Welcome to the specialist clinic, I’m Doctor Yall Fox and this is Doctor Sammys, and today we’ll be running a small experiment.
We are interested in the chemicals released in the brain during your more… excitable times, and have devised this experiement to help us… one you signed up for, don’t you remember?
First I’d like to take you deep down, with this nice gentle relaxing gas, just breathe that in – that’s it. Then I’ll be attaching this device, invented by Doctor Sammys’ herself! – it’s particularly effective at collecting the … er… “samples” we need.
Just sit back, relax, and I promise this will be a fun experience… for all of us… I do love my job.
A huge thank you to one of my favourite hypno creators, Sammystique, for her additional vocals.
Please check her out, she’s outstanding!
Script: Yall
Additional vocals: Sammystique